We Specialize in Interior and Exterior Painting
for Your Home or Business.
Interior Painting
Time for a fresh coat of paint or a total makeover? We can paint one room, a feature wall or your entire house to create a fresh new look. A new paint color can drastically change the appearance of your home and is an easy and affordable makeover option when trying to keep up with current design trends and styles. Painting can also cover and prevent any unsightly stains, scratches or peeling. Interior painting can also help reduce odors that have been absorbed into the walls over time. We carefully begin each project by preparing the space and covering any fixtures, moldings and even furniture that is too difficult to move.
Exterior Painting
Painting the exterior of your home or business can transform the appearance and make a great first impression. Exterior paint can also help protect your property against weather, insects or other damage. We are fully licensed and insured and take the safety of our team and customers very seriously. Our team is very experienced, equipped and capable of painting any type of house or any size business. Give us a call today to discuss your next project and to receive a free quote.
Staining & Refinishing
Over time, wood surfaces such as decks, floors, cabinets and fences, become scratched, dull and faded. Our restoration specialists have the tools and experience to effectively restore wood and other surfaces to their original glory. Whether it's a deck that needs a power wash and seal or an interior wood floor which needs a surface sanding and reapplication of stain, we can do it.
Power Washing Services
Turn to Stan Riggs Painting to make any exterior surface look like new again with comprehensive residential or commercial power washing services. We provide mold treatment and dirt, mildew or algae removal with powerful cleaning agents to make your exterior surfaces look great!